However, my ancestry is distinctly Islander...specifically the British Isles. As far as I know the genetic soup from which I sprang is more an Irish stew than anything else. I've always enjoyed the benefits of my Irish heritage: a quick wit, an inherent appreciation for beer, pluck, a song in my heart and a skip in my step.....as well as an amazing capacity for brooding and a knack for cursing.
But recently I've considered making a switch to Italian. Most of the time I'm mistaken for Italian anyway. I'd argue the food is better, the fashion sense more refined...not to mention the cars. I suspect I'd have more luck with the ladies. Both have famous tempers and world renown boxers--so that's a draw. But I think the major factor in this decision has been that Italy has been good to me. Very good.
For 15 years I've been painting Tuscan murals, Italian frescoes, and applying Venetian plasters nonstop. Our clients have a passion for Italy that inspires them to paint their whole houses in an attempt to capture the essence of Italia. Most recently we've been commissioned to create a faux stone hallway, marbleize giant pillars, and paint a variety of Italian themed murals. Nearly every project has been somehow Italian affiliated or inspired.
So much so that I've created an entire portfolio of just Italian themed work. Click HERE to see. In addition I've added a ton of other pictures to the rest of the portfolios as well as adding a new Testimonials page to share some of the great things our clients have said to us. Click HERE to read them. It's been a very busy...and very Italian...6 months.
Of course I'd never really trade "Erin Go Bragh" for "Italia Per Sempre"....I'm just not hairy enough. But I will say unequivocally "Thank You!!" to Italy and all it's fans that have supported and inspired us through the years.
Please take the tour and let me know what you think of the updates. And remember.......Abbondanza!!!!
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